Monday 8 June 2015

Fitting in 3 sports

Thanks for reading last time if you have returned, if you are here for the first time welcome, feel free to comment, I want to hear your ideas.

I’ve got loads of ideas for blog posts and only so many hours in the day at the minute but I thought I’d talk today about my schedule for the up and coming Tri sprint.

Up until signing up for this Tri my schedule comprised of 3 runs a week, generally a Long distance run on a Sunday which was 10+ miles done at an average of 10 minute miles pace (still nowhere close to negative splits) , one short interval session, 4.5 miles 10 minutes warm up followed by 2 minutes of 90% effort followed by 3 minutes of recovery repeated 3 more times and then a cool down until I reach home and a medium distance 6-10 miles of a medium pace. I was also working my way through SL 5x5 lifting programme (I’ll let you google that if you are interested rather than me spelling it out.

However I know need to include cycling and swimming in that programme as well as continue to prepare for the arrival of my first child and get through the slog at work.

Last week I went for early rides each morning more than anything to acclimatise my bum to the hard saddle, Jesus it was agony that first day but now with some padded shorts and toughening up a bit it’s  getting better each day. The first day I managed 20 minutes and since then I’ve covered about 40 miles over 4 rides which I am pleased with. The gears are still a mystery to me; I am using trial and error nothing more and hoping that I eventually hit a gear that is a good combination for me.

I had already decided to change my run schedule last week, I’d been suffering with a little bit of a sore knee after ramping up the mileage in pursuit of a good 10k time and I was a little worried about it. I had an appointment to see the physio (who is also a triathlete) and she said there was nothing to worry about so I ran to the swimming baths (more on swimming in a second) on Thursday, its only two miles and I had my bag on my back, not really a suitable bag for running with. I’d got a run tracker on but no head phones so as I was running I didn’t know my progress, I felt like it was terrible. I couldn’t get my legs in a fluid run and the bag was bouncing around everywhere, I was shocked when I arrived at the pool and my time was 17 minutes for 2 miles, which is loads faster than my normal minute per mile time. On Sunday my legs felt really good and I was a bit disappointed that I hadn’t been braver and risked applying for the half marathon that was going on this weekend so I set out to run 13.1 miles of a half marathon. Disaster struck when 10 minutes in my phone died suddenly losing my music and run tracker, not to be stopped I soldiered on and eventually my phone came back to life but I didn’t bother to sort the run keeper out. I finished in 132 minutes and according to the mapping website I found last night I completed 13.2 miles so I was delighted with that.

So that takes us on to swimming, when I first applied for the Tri last week it was the cycling I was worried about, I didn’t know whether in 2 months I would be able to cover the course especially after the sore bum I had received in my first ride, now however it’s the swim that is scaring me the most. I can finish 400 m no problem, will it be fast enough though and can I find the time to get the training in that I really need. I’ve done a fair bit of triathlete reading and nearly everyone hates the swim the most. I think that must be because of the difficulty in training for it. You can’t just put on your running shoes or grab your bike and get out there you have to look at the timetable and plan it in and that’s where my difficulty is coming at the moment. I attended my local pool for a session last Thursday it was in a word chaos. Half the pool was taken up by kids pratting about, 37.5% was swimming lessons leaving 1 solitary lane for anyone who actually wanted to swim. I managed to do about 500m before I got angry with it all and got out. My time for 400m was about 11 minutes but that was will getting stuck behind people, having to wait for the ridiculously fast bloke behind me to overtake me and tying to sort out my cheap goggles. I know I can do better but by how much im not sure.

The problem is that there are more suitable session’s available at my two local pools but they are both on the nights that I lift weights. Something has to give and unfortunately it’s got to be the gym. I do feel like my running has improved since doing SL 5x5 but I also know that I’m currently going through what the internet describe as ‘noob gains’. I’m never going to track my macros and bulk so there will be a point that the gym does very little for me (according to my research anyway). What I am going to do is start some bodyweight fitness on the same day as my running to keep improving my strength in my legs and my core. I do however still have a week left at the gym and I begrudge wasting the money so I’ll go until the month runs out.

So this week’s plan looks like this


Am – cycling 1 hour, Pm – Gym Sl 5x5


Am – cycling 1 hour, Pm – run (may attend the local running club for the first time, haven’t yet decided)


Am – Cycling 1 hour, Pm – gym SL 5x5


Am – cycling 1 hour, Pm – run to swimming, swim 1000 m


Am – cycling 1 hour, Pm – SL 5x5


Cycling long ride 1.20 minutes


Long run – 14 miles

I know there’s no rest days in there so I’m hoping that because I’ve got a mixture of activities in there I can live without the rest days for now. Next week things will change a bit. I’m getting my own bike rather than using my cousins husbands very expensive bike so I’m going to start to put some bricks in there which will give me at least one rest day.

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